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Astuti, N., Murti, S. H., & Widayani, P. (2023, December 8). APLIKASI CITRA LANDSAT MULTITEMPORAL UNTUK PEMANTAUAN DISTRIBUSI TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLID (TSS) PADA WADUK GAJAH MUNGKUR TAHUN 2012-2022. https://doi.org/10.36040/semsina.v4i01.8008

Fathoni, Mohammad Naufal, Danang Sri Hadmoko, dan Sandy Budi Wibowo. 2023. “Estimasi Ukuran Butir Pasir Menggunakan Citra Sentinel-2 pada Sungai Rejali, Kabupaten Lumajang.” JEECOM Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer 5(2):143–52. doi: https://doi.org/10.33650/jeecom.v5i2.6568

Febrianti, Ni Kadek Oki, Projo Danoedoro, dan Prima Widayani. 2023. “Land-Cover Change Detection in Batur Catchment Area Using Remote Sensing.” Jurnal Geografi 15(1):64. doi: 10.24114/jg.v15i1.32670. https://jurnal.unimed.ac.id/2012/index.php/geo/article/view/32670

Hafiudzan, A., Widayani, P., & Sari, N. M. (2023, December 29). Residential Classification Using Geobia in Part of Jakarta Suburban Area. https://doi.org/10.30536/j.ijreses.2023.v20.a3862

M. S. Wijaya, M. Kamal, P. Widayani, and S. Arjasakusuma, “Classification of Mangrove Vegetation Structure using Airborne LIDAR in Ratai Bay, Lampung Province, Indonesia,” Geoplanning: Journal of Geomatics and Planning, vol. 10, no. 2, Dec. 2023. https://doi.org/10.14710/geoplanning.10.2.%p

M. S. Wijaya, Muhammad Kamal, dan Prima Widayani. 2023. “Jurnal Geografi Gea Mapping of Mangrove Composition in Ratai Bay , Lampung Province Using Pleiades-1 Satellite Imagery.” 23(2):107–22.



Fathilda, Intan Khaeruli, Iswari Nur Hidayati, dan Prima Widayani. 2022. “Interpreting built-up areas on sentinel-2 imagery and recognizing slums in Semarang City.” 393–404. https://proceedings.ums.ac.id/index.php/iseth/article/view/2963

Hakim, M. A., Kamal, M., & Arjasakusuma, S. (2022, August 9). MAPPING MANGROVE SURFACE CARBON STOCKS USING MULTISENSOR IMAGERY IN CLUNGUP MANGROVE CONSERVATION (CMC) MALANG REGENCY. https://doi.org/10.24114/jg.v14i2.33575

Rahmandhana, Arie Dwika, Muhammad Kamal, dan Pramaditya Wicaksono. 2022. “Spectral Reflectance-Based Mangrove Species Mapping from WorldView-2 Imagery of Karimunjawa and Kemujan Island, Central Java Province, Indonesia.” Remote Sensing 14(1). https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14010183doi: 10.3390/rs14010183.

Roganda, M. S., Murti, S. H., & Widyatmanti, W. (2022). Mapping the distribution of natural ecosystems on peatlands through vegetation using the object-based image analysis (obia) method in bangko district, rokan hilir regency, riau. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1047(1). https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/1047/1/012017

Simatupang, A. U., Murti, S. H., & Purwanto, T. H. (2022, July 13). THE CAPABILITY OF SENTINEL 1 (SAR) FOR FLOOD MAPPING: A CASE STUDY IN SERANG WATERSHED, KULONPROGO REGENCY. Retrieved from https://jurnal.unimed.ac.id/2012/index.php/geo/article/view/32213/19173



Fadhilah, Achmad, Prima Widayani, dan Iswati Nur Hidayati. 2021. “Deteksi permukiman kumuh menggunakan informasi spektral dan tekstur citra penginderaan jauh (studi di sebagian kota Yogyakarta).” Geomedia : Majalah Ilmiah dan Informasi Kegeografian 19(1):35–45. https//journal.uny.ac.id/index.php/geomedia/article/view/40164#:~:text=DOI%3A%20https%3A//doi.org/10.21831/gm.v19i1.40164

Lestari, R. F., E., Kamal, M., Wicaksono, P.(2021). Analysis of the distribution of Sea Turtle Nesting Grounds based on physical characteristics along the coast of Kretek District, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Ecology, Environment and Conservation. 27 (1), 472-480.

Mizan, R. A., Widayani, P., Farda, N.M., (2021). Assessment and comparison of machine learning algorithm capability in spatial modeling of dengue fever vulnerability based on Landsat image 8 Oli/Tirs. (2021). Jurnal Geografi. 13(2). doi: https://doi.org/10.24114/jg.v13i2.21019

Pahlefi, M.R., Danoedoro, P.,  Kamal, M. (2021). The utilisation of sentinel-2A images and google earth engine for monitoring tropical Savannah grassland, Geocarto International. doi:  https://doi.org/10.1080/10106049.2021.1914749

Purnamasari, E., Kamal, M., Wicaksono, P.(2021). Comparison of vegetation indices for estimating above-ground mangrove carbon stocks using PlanetScope image, Regional Studies in Marine Science. (44) doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rsma.2021.101730

Wirabumi, P., Kamal, M., Wicaksono, P.(2021).Determining effective water depth for total suspended solids (TSS) mapping using PlanetScope imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 42(15). doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/01431161.2021.1931538

Zulfajri, Danoedoro, P., Murti, S.H,. (2021). Klasifikasi tutupan lahan data Landsat-8 OLI menggunakan metode random forest.  Penginderaan Jauh Indonesia3(01), 1-7. http://jurnal.mapin.or.id/index.php/jpji/article/view/3



Afida, B. A., Kamal, M., & Hadmoko, D. S. (2020, July 3). IDENTIFIKASI KERUSAKAN BANGUNAN PASCA GEMPA BUMI MENGGUNAKAN CITRA SATELIT WORLDVIEW-2. https://doi.org/10.14710/jpk.8.1.67-77

Wijaya, R. P., Susilo, B., & Widayani, P. (2020, December 22). POLA PERKEMBANGAN MORFOLOGI FISIK KOTA DI CEKUNGAN BANDUNG PERIODE 2009 – 2018. https://doi.org/10.22146/teknosains.45051



Putri, E. A. W. A., Danoedoro, P., & Farda, N. M. (2019, November 21). Comparing land-cover maps accuracies generated from multispectral classification of Landsat-8 OLI dan Pleiades images using two different classification schemes. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2548888

Tassri, N., Danoedoro, P., & Widayani, P. (2019, November 21). Multitemporal analysis of vegetated land cover changes related to tin mining activity in Bangka Regency using Landsat imagery. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2548887



Saputra, J., Kamal, M., & Wicaksono, P. (2018, April 4). PENGARUH RESOLUSI SPASIAL CITRA TERHADAP HASIL PEMETAAN KANDUNGAN HARA NITROGEN PERKEBUNAN KARET. https://doi.org/10.22302/ppk.jpk.v36i1.545